Les apprenants comprennent le texte lorsqu’ils peuvent établir des liens entre ce qu’ils lisent et ce qu’ils savent déjà.
Dans le cadre du projet, des liens sont établis entre le texte biblique et d’autres sujets, tels que les sciences sociales, la religion, la géographie ou l’histoire (nature, homme, société).
Le fait d’aborder un sujet sous diffé-rents angles aide les apprenants à trouver un intérêt et des perspectives à l’intérieur du texte. Une fois que les apprenants ont saisi ce principe, ils deviennent des lecteurs avides.
THE BOOK IN SCHOOL met particulièrement l’accent sur les liens avec la littérature et l’art.

Some research findings on Interdisciplinary Teaching and Mulitliteracy.
Advantages of Interdisciplinary/ Thematic based learning:
Brain activity accelerated by creating bridges, links and connections to other disciplines and contexts
Fosters creativity
Fosters independent thinking
Helps pupils relate deeper to the topic
Viewing a topic from different angles helps students find their own individual interest /or angle
Creates a sense of ownership
Theme, topic, subject becomes more alive
Goering, C., & Baker, K. (2010)
The thematic context matters in the process of implementing an integrated curriculum.
Mindful connections to the student’s existing natural context are essential.
Interdisciplinary teaching leads to teaching teams (with a 98% rate of the teacher satisfaction).
Findings showed positive mathematics and language outcomes.
Children are facilitated in using a range of metacognitive abilities that deepen their engagement with literacy and other learning.
Fantuzzo, J., Gadsden, V., & McDermott, P. (2011).
“This multiliteracy (deriving meaning through multiple communicative modes like languages, images, sound) and multidisciplinary approach is “part of a much broader movement with the sciences, social sciences, and humanities to conceptualize the visual as part of a general theory of communications” (Duncum,2004, p.254).
Several other theories undergird use of an interdisciplinary approach: Gardner’s (1983) notion of multiple intelligences, Dewey’s (1938) constructivism, and Paivio’s (2007) dual coding:students were better able to organize and store information as mental images.
“Gullat (2007) concluded that a rich bank of mental images was necessary to construe sophisticated language and Burton, Horrowitz & Abeles, 2000 found visuals critical for motivation. In regard to reading comprehension, Gambrell & Koskinen (2002) stated that understanding occurs when readers build connections between text and their knowledge, as well as among different part of the text. Mental images can induce learners to build those connections (Sadowski & Paivio, 2004), or to talk across the disciplines.” (p.94)
Gullat (2007) concluded that a rich bank of mental images was necessary to construe sophisticated language
Burton, Horrowitz & Abeles, 2000 found visuals critical for motivation.
In regard to reading comprehension, Gambrell & Koskinen (2002) stated that understanding occurs when readers build connections between text and their knowledge, as well as among different part of the text.
Mental images can induce learners to build those connections (Sadowski & Paivio, 2004), or to talk across the disciplines.
Teachers respond to the collaborative process
of interdisciplinary learning:
"Most teachers were willing to share their extensive expertise and ideas, and regularly brainstormed across content discipline."
"Topics aligned with State and National Standards. Additionally, Common Core Standards are embodied in these activities."
“I was sceptical of the idea or of the benefit at first; that it seemed improbable for me to use a work of art to support my instruction...In final reflections, myself and all the other 50 teachers (100%) provided not only positive but enthusiastic feedback…”
“Thematic approach was tried and all teachers focused on one work, viewing them through the lens of their disciplines. It turned out to be a very interesting learning experience."
"Outcomes were positive."
"No discipline issues."
“They learned because they tapped into their prior knowledge, pulled out what they already knew and built on it by reading, writing, discussing, questioning, talking, and developing their own materials “
“It is important to involve preservice teachers in these interdisciplinary experiences, because it does not occur to many to do so. They needed modelling and practice with such an experience in order to feel comfortable with the concept”
“ The opportunity to greatly expand their resources and present their content through different lens -one that might resonate with disenfranchised students.”
A positive effect on learning”
“Realistically, some preparation time is need on the teacher’s part, but students can contribute as well.”